Interested in pursuing an American degree in France? Learn about options through IAU's degree-granting institution - The American College of the Mediterranean.

Bachelor's and Master's Programs


Non-Discrimination Policy
Academic Policies
Housing Policies
Service and Emotional Support Animal Policy
Prohibited Academic Actions
Acceptable Standards of Behavior
Classroom Conduct
Alcohol and Drug Policy
Misconduct Review Procedure
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
Incident Response
GDPR / Cookies Policy

Registration at IAU requires adherence to the Institute’s standards of academic integrity and behavior. Students are expected to approach their academic work with dedication and integrity, understanding that they are responsible for enhancing their own learning through personal effort. They also agree to be fully prepared for each class session and not to engage in any of the Prohibited Academic Actions listed below.  Students should note that this list is not exhaustive and merely represents a sampling of unacceptable offenses. 
Violation of these or any other acts that are deemed unsuitable and which reflect poorly on a student, classmates, and/or the IAU, is grounds for dismissal from the program without refund.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Institute for American Universities (IAU) admits students of any race, color, national origin and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  IAU does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information in its administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs and other school administered programs.

Academic Policies

Course Load

In the fall and spring semesters, students are expected to carry a normal academic load of 15 credits (4-5 courses).  The normal summer course load is 3 to 6 credits (some exceptions can be made for 9 credits, but this is not advisable).  A student wishing to carry a heavier or lighter load must first have written approval from his/her home university and consult with the program administration.  Students carrying a lighter load will still pay full tuition. For the Virtual Experiences Programs, students have the option to take either 3 or 6 academic credits consisting of a Virtual Internship, Consulting Project, or Social Impact Practicum.


If they have approval from their home institutions, students may change their course selection in consultation with the program administration by the end of the eighth day of the semester after the first day of class in the fall and spring semesters and by the end of the third day of the term after the first day of class in the J-Term/summer.


Students who are taking 15 credit hours on a graded basis may elect to take one course on a pass/fail basis. The choice must be declared no later than the end of the withdrawal period in the eighth week of classes (end of the third week in the six- or eight-week summer sessions) and may not be changed after that date. This excludes J-Term/three-week summer sessions.  For purposes of pass/fail grading, “pass” is considered a grade of C- or above.  Students electing a pass/fail grade must have approval of the program administration and their home institution.

Course Withdrawal

From the end of the drop/add period to the end of the eighth week of classes, (end of the third week in the summer session), a student may withdraw from a course with the consent of their assigned academic advisor. Students who withdraw will receive a notation of W on their transcript.

Withdrawal from IAU

Students who wish to withdraw from IAU before the end of the term must complete a program withdrawal form and obtain the signature of the program administration. Students withdrawing from IAU will receive a W for each course in which they are enrolled, with the exception that students who withdraw after the mid-term date and are failing a course or courses will receive a grade of WF (Withdraw Failing) for those courses. Students should understand the financial implications of withdrawal, as explained in the "Refund" section and as outlined under financial policies on the IAU website.


A student may audit a class, in addition to his/her normal class load, with the permission of the program administration, and the Instructor, and on condition that he/she attend the course on a regular basis throughout the semester.  No grades may be awarded for audited courses.  However, notation of the audit may be entered on the student’s transcript.  Such a choice must be declared no later than the drop/add period and may not be changed after that date.


A professor may grant or deny a student's request for an incomplete grade, and must inform the program administration in writing of his/her decision.  The program administration may approve or refuse the professor's recommendation.  The last day for a student to request an incomplete (“I”) grade for a course is no later than the last day of regularly-scheduled classes.  Normally, an incomplete (“I”) grade should only be granted for extraordinary extenuating circumstances (such as illness or family emergency).  Simple failure to complete assigned work in a timely fashion does not justify the granting of an incomplete (“I”) grade.  Course work must be completed satisfactorily within the regular semester immediately following the semester in which the incomplete (“I”) grade was granted, or the course grade will become a permanent grade of “F”.

Grading Policies

Grades are assigned by the instructor of the course.  No grade may be changed except for reasons of material or clerical error.  If a student with a grade of “D” or “F” in a course enrolls at IAU in a subsequent semester, he/she may retake the course once in order to improve his/her grade and obtain credit for the course.  The original grade “D” or “F” remains on the student’s transcript. 

Grade Dispute Policy

IAU expects that most grievances regarding grades will be resolved informally between the professor and the student.  If such informal discussions do not satisfy the student, the student wishing to dispute a final course grade must write and sign a petition addressed to the program administration requesting a grade review.  If the professor in question is the program administration, the matter will automatically be referred to the President of IAU. The student shall have six weeks, calculated from the date of the submission of the final course grade, to initiate this formal procedure.  The program administration (or President) will ask the professor concerned to review the disputed grade and explain the rationale for his/her judgment.  The program administration (or President) may request to review the student's work, and, at his/her discretion, can invite other professors with appropriate expertise for advice.  The President makes the final decision.

Housing Policies

Housing arrangements are aligned with the IAU academic calendar.  Students are able to move into their accommodations on the program start date (as indicated on the academic calendar) and will need to vacate their accommodations on the last day of the program session. Students should be aware that they will need to vacate their housing arrangements during the December/January holiday period and at the conclusion of the Spring term in May.  If a student is enrolled in a summer session, they will need to vacate their housing arrangements at the conclusion of that session. Students will be required to sign and must adhere to housing policies and code of conduct based on their location(s) and accommodation type(s).

Service and Emotional Support Animal Policy

The American College of the Mediterranean and the Institute for American Universities is committed to providing accommodations to individuals with disabilities, to the best of our ability. The College complies with applicable laws for each study abroad location. This policy governs the presence of Certified Service Animals (CSA) and Emotional Support Animals (ESA) in program-provided housing and on ACM-IAU program sites.

Certified Service Animals

Students may receive program accommodations for CSAs depending on local laws and regulations along with the policies of ACM-IAU onsite partners. With prior approval, CSAs may be permitted in ACM-IAU housing and facilities, where possible, and students seeking to keep a CSA in College housing must make a formal request through the ACM-IAU Accommodations Request. All requests for CSA on ACM-IAU programs must be submitted to ACM-IAU in advance, at least 30 days before the start of the semester. However, it is the discretion of individual onsite entities (housing partners, internship sites, etc) whether the animal can be accepted on their premises. If a Housing Accommodations request is approved involving a participant’s CSA, individual participants accept full responsibility for all travel, care, wellbeing, and cost for their animal.

Emotional Support Animals

ACM-IAU is supportive of students who wish to study abroad with their ESAs. However, participants seeking to study abroad with ESAs are required to submit a request for independent housing and complete and sign the Independent Housing Form and Waiver. Further, ESAs cannot accompany students to any organized program activities, including classes, internship activities, excursions, on-campus activities, etc. Participants assigned to program housing who arrive onsite with an ESA that was not pre-approved by ACM-IAU will not be permitted to move into program housing. They will be asked to secure independent housing at their own cost and will not be eligible for a refund of program housing fees.

Participant Responsibilities

ACM-IAU is unable to intervene or provide advice regarding whether an animal is accepted abroad; ACM-IAU has no jurisdiction or influence over transportation policies and local laws pertaining to animals. Further, if an animal is impounded or otherwise detained by the local authorities for any reason, ACM-IAU will be unable to intercede. Animals may not be allowed by some transportation vendors, hotels, restaurants and other onsite business and locations. At no time should care of the animal hinder participation in the program or academic progress.


Certified Service Animal - A Certified Service Animal (CSA) is a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. CSAs must demonstrate certification. Students will need to provide supporting documentation.

Emotional Support Animal - An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is an animal that provides emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s existing disability and/or provides assistance, or performs tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability. Students will need to provide supporting documentation.

Unlike a Service Animal, an ESA does not necessarily need to be trained, and is not limited to any specific type of animal. An ESA is not a pet or a Service Animal. While Emotional Support Animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan as therapy animals, they are not considered service animals under the ADA.

Prohibited Academic Actions


Submitting material that in part or whole is not entirely one's own work without attributing those same portions to their correct source.


Using unauthorized notes, study aids, or information on an examination; altering a graded work after it has been returned, then submitting the work for re-grading; allowing another person to do one's work and submitting that work under one's own name; submitting identical or similar papers (or major parts of papers) for credit in more than one course (or more than once in a single course) without prior permission from the course instructors. Persons who assist cheating by sharing their work are also guilty of cheating.


Falsifying or inventing any information, data, or citation; presenting data that were not gathered in accordance with standard guidelines defining the appropriate methods for collecting or generating data, and failing to include an accurate account of the method by which the data were gathered or collected.

Obtaining an unfair advantage

(a) Stealing, reproducing, circulating, or otherwise gaining access to examination materials prior to the time authorized by the instructor; (b) stealing, destroying, defacing, or concealing library materials with the purpose of depriving others of their use; (c) collaborating in an unauthorized manner on an academic assignment; (d) retaining, possessing, using or circulating previously given examination materials, where those materials clearly indicate that they are to be returned to the instructor at the conclusion of the examination; (e) intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student's academic work; (f) otherwise undertaking activity with the purpose of creating or obtaining an unfair academic advantage over other students.

Falsification of records and official documents

Altering documents affecting academic records; forging signatures of authorization or falsifying information on an official academic document, grade, report, letter of permission, petition, drop/add form, ID card, or any other official Institute document.

Unauthorized access to computerized academic or administrative records or systems

Viewing or altering computer records, modifying computer programs or systems, releasing or dispensing information gained via unauthorized access, or interfering with the use or availability of computer systems or information.

Acceptable Standards of Behavior


Students enrolled at IAU are expected to act in a respectful and courteous manner towards classmates, host families, IAU faculty members and staff, community members, and local authorities.  Because it is very important to stay safe in a study abroad experience, students must be active participants in the matter of their own safety and health.  Behavior that risks one’s own welfare or the welfare of others will not be tolerated.  Any questions about proper conduct while in France may be addressed to IAU staff.  IAU reserves the right to dismiss students without refund because of acts which violate these principles.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Binge drinking and drinking to get drunk are considered culturally inappropriate in Europe. Alcohol may be consumed, within reasonable limits, by students who are of legal age in France. Students who choose to consume alcohol do so with the knowledge that they remain responsible for their actions at all times and are expected to drink responsibly and refrain from putting themselves or other students in danger. The policy at IAU states that excessive and irresponsible drinking (as reported by faculty and administration, homestay hosts or other students) leading to intoxication and behavior that interferes with the program or the rights of others, is subject to the following consequences:

First offense
• Student is called to meet with the program administration to discuss the reported incident and review the
contracted, expected and acceptable behaviors during the time enrolled at IAU.
• Student receives a warning to change the direction of their behavior.
• Student is apprised that the second offense results in a letter to their university and study abroad
program advisor in the US.

Second offense
• Student is called to meet with the program administration to discuss the reported second incident.
• Student will be referred to the Student Life Office for assessment and recommendations
(recommendations to be sent to the program administration for inclusion with the letter of warning).
• Student will be advised that a letter of warning re : inappropriate alcohol-related behavior will be
sent to the home university and study abroad advisor, to include the warning that any subsequent
incidents will result in the student being sent home with no refund or credit.

Third offense
• Student is called in to meet with the program administration to assess the third and final incident and
make arrangements for immediate dismissal from the program with no refund or credit.

Students are prohibited from selling, using, or possessing any drug considered by host country law to be illicit or illegal. Students are cautioned that the possession of drugs is often dealt with harshly by host country law enforcement. IAU policy regarding possession or use of illegal drugs is one of zero tolerance.

NOTE: Any drug infraction will be considered a grave violation of IAU policy and will result in immediate dismissal from the program without refund or credit. Furthermore, IAU reserves the right to notify students’ parents or legal guardians should any student’s alcohol consumption be deemed excessive and ultimately dangerous to the student’s health and well-being.

Classroom Conduct


Regular class attendance is expected of all students.  Class attendance is a factor in the final assessment of a student’s academic performance.  A student with what the instructor or program administration considers excessive absences may be dismissed from IAU.  IAU professors are empowered to impose academic sanctions (including a lowered grade or even failure) upon students for unexcused absences, frequent tardiness, work submitted late, etc.

Misconduct Review Procedure

At IAU academic misconduct is dealt with very seriously.  In a case of suspected misconduct, the following procedure applies:

If the case comes to light before the end of the semester, the program administration and the professor will convene the student to ask him/her to explain the incident.  If the student has already returned to the U.S. when the suspected misconduct is discovered, the program administration will contact the student by telephone or e-mail to request an explanation and will confer with the professor about the information offered by the student.  The program administration and the professor will rule on the level of the student’s responsibility and establish sanctions if student is found to have engaged in misconduct.  Depending upon the seriousness of the offense, penalties may cover the following range: re-doing the given assignment or test for a new grade; a grade of "F" on the given assignment or test; a grade of "F" for the course; or expulsion from IAU.  Within two weeks, the program administration will inform the student in writing of the decision and any applicable sanctions, with a copy to the president of IAU.  In case of an adverse ruling, the student is also informed of the following appeals procedure:

A student may appeal a ruling by written request to the president within two weeks of notice of that decision. In case of appeal, the president will appoint an appeals panel composed of one administrative representative (not the Dean or Director), one faculty member (not the professor of the course) and, if possible, one student. The panel will gather evidence and rule as to the student’s responsibility and to what sanctions are to be applied within a reasonable period. The panel will inform the student of its ruling in writing, with a copy to the president and to the student's home institution. 

Within two weeks of written notification of the appeals panel's ruling, the student may appeal by written request.


Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

IAU is firmly committed to intellectual honesty, freedom of inquiry and expression, and respect for the dignity of each individual. Acts of discrimination or intimidation are inconsistent with this commitment and will not be tolerated. Prohibited acts include harassment and intimidation motivated by discriminatory intent based on race, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ancestry, belief, or genetic information. Any such harassment or intimidation of or by a student or host family should be referred to the program administration. Similarly, acts of sexual harassment will not be tolerated. IAU students will receive sexual and cultural training as part of their orientation. 

Incident Response

IAU is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which all members of the IAU community are supported by any and all Institutional resources in responding to any acts of violence and/or assault. IAU has no tolerance for any acts of violence, sexual or otherwise, either within the educational community or as a consequence of altercations involving members of the IAU community, whether linked with IAU programs and activities or not. Swift action and response will follow should the program administration be alerted of IAU community members’ having been victims or assailants in any assault or physical altercation. Upon reception of complaints regarding any violence or assault either within IAU facilities, IAU host families or elsewhere in the region, the program administration will determine whether said victim or assailant should be interviewed directly by the program administration or under the supervision or with the assistance of a trained counselor. Simultaneously, if warranted, the program administration will contact local authorities to report the incident to ensure that altercations are handled within the legal framework of local sanctions. Should the incident involve IAU students, the appropriate sending universities will be notified by the program administration. If the student is a minor, parents will also be notified. If the student is 18 years or older, the program administration will notify the parents only with the student’s consent.

GDPR / Cookies Policy

IAU/ACM is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. In our capacity as a data controller in Europe, please be aware that we collect and process personal information in connection with the application process and educational programs of IAU/ACM. 

In compliance with articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and European Council of April 27 2016 and article 32 of the “Information Liberties” law of January 6, 1978, we hereby inform you that:

IAU/ACM collects data for the sole purpose of administrative processing and the organization of IAU/ACM educational programs. The responsible official may designate other administrative personnel of IAU/ACM under their authority to handle this data.

All personal data collected is for the sole purpose of the planning, organization, and security of IAU/ACM programs. It will be processed and handled in accordance with IAU/ACM policies and the aforementioned law and EU GDPR, guided by the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, purpose limitation, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, confidentiality and accountability, as well as the utmost protection of your privacy.

Data collected is held for five years from the time of registration. You have the right to access, correct, or erase your personal data by requesting it via email or mail to the responsible official (Vice President of Administration). IAU/ACM keeps a record of how it uses your personal data, which you can consult if you wish. IAU/ACM only uses sensitive personal data, such as health conditions and food habits, for the purposes for which we collect it, such as your health and safety.

You have the right to limit the use of your personal data.

You have the right to object to how your personal data is used.

You have the right to the portability of your personal data.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data at any time by writing a letter to: IAU/ACM, 8 rue de Littera, BP30970, 13604 Aix en Provence, France or email to: You can also make a claim to the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés)